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JG Pest Control – Who Do Bedbugs Affect?

Bedbugs are commonly known for being found in the home. However, they are often found in hotels, hostels and bed and breakfast accommodation too. This is because bedbugs can be carried, unknowingly, by travellers in their luggage. They are taken to new properties and holiday accommodation or business trips and will infest every property on their way.

In this blog post we look at who bedbugs affect because we think you’ll be surprised at just how many places they can be found.

For example, due to having people from all walks of life and backgrounds, bedbugs have been known to invade healthcare facilities and hospitals. They have also been found in mental health facilities and are commonly found in nursing homes as well.

If you own one of these properties, we recommend that you take steps towards preventing a bedbug infestation. Chances are if you have a property where multiple people stay overnight, you are at risk of a bedbug infestation.

Bites from bed bugs can occur in any social setting. They can also affect anyone.

If you stay in a hotel, hostel, apartment, caravan or other holiday accommodation you will be at risk of bedbugs. This is especially the case if the bed in the holiday accommodation is not checked after the previous guest, or before you lie on the bed.

Those living in shared accommodation such as HMOs, student halls or flats will also have an increased risk of being bitten by bedbugs. If you are a healthcare worker, you will be exposed to the risk of bedbugs. This is especially the case if you are completing home visits, end of life care or mental health assessments in the bedrooms.

Prisoners are also more at risk and vulnerable to bedbug bites, especially those in shared cells. While those in single cells will be less likely to be a risk, the risk of bedbugs and bedbug bites is still there. This is because the person that stayed in the bed before them could have taken bedbugs into the cell.

As you can see, a lot of people and properties can be affected by bedbugs. If you think you may have a bedbug problem, call our team. We will help rid you of your bedbug infestation and reduce the chances of bedbugs returning in the future.