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JG Pest Control – What Is A Pest Management Program?

As a business owner, you may have heard of a pest management program. Maybe neighbouring businesses have them or you have seen pest control vans nearby? You may be wondering what a pest management program is. Or perhaps you are wondering if you should have a pest management program in place.

In this blog post we share what a pest management program is. We also look at why you might want to have a pest management program in place and what benefits you would gain from this.

What Is A Pest Management Program?

Also known as a pest management contract, this is a pest control company regularly visits your business. During this visit they will look around your site and look for signs of pests in your business premises. The pest control specialists will then create a report of the inspection. This will confirm any pests or signs of pests they have seen, along with any action that has or should be taken. They will also give you recommendations to ensure your business premises stay free from unwanted pests and the potential damage that they can cause.

Why Your Business Needs a Pest Management Program

The real question to ask when thinking about employing a pest control company to visit on a regular basis is how much your company reputation means to you. How damaging would it be to the reputation of your business if pests were seen? While our pest control services are more popular in the catering and hospitality businesses, these services are used by other industries too.

If you have stock rooms, dark or unused areas, cardboard boxes, shelter from cold or wet weather, fabrics and materials, wood or paper, food or water – then your business will be seen as an attractive home for pests. How much damage could pests in your business do? If they could harm your bottom line by the destruction of stock or making a bad impression of your business, then your business needs to have a pest management program in place.

The Benefits Of A Pest Management Program

By having a pest management program in place, you are complying with the Public Health Act and the Food Safety Act. In turn, you are showing EHO and HSE that you are proactive in protecting staff member and the general public from pests that could be damaging to their health. Having this program in place can also be used as part of your ISO 14001 accreditation.

You may have heard of the saying that prevention is better than cure. This is very true in the case of pests. Sometimes pests can go unnoticed for days, weeks or even months. Then when you do spot them, you have a serious pest infestation on your hands. Pest management is like an insurance for your business. Just like other insurances for your business, it will protect your business from nasty surprises, in this case – pests!

Want to know more about our pest control management services?

Call our team of commercial pest control specialists now.