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JG Pest Control – Reduce The Risk Of Fatal Wasp Stings

Being stung by a wasp can be extremely painful for lots of people. However, for some people being stung by a wasp can be life-threatening and even fatal. By taking sensible precautions you can reduce the risk of fatal wasp stings and ensure that any wasp nests are properly managed.

Wasps are notorious for building nests in places where people like to gather. This includes shaded spots in gardens, around your outdoor dining area or in the eaves of your home. Lots of wasp nests can also be found in attics and lofts. It is places like these that they can go undiscovered and relatively undisturbed until the warmer spring months when they come out.

A Queen wasp will emerge from their hibernation during the springtime. This is the time of the year when the days start to lengthen, and the weather is warmer too. The Queen wasps will come out of hibernation at this time and start building nests. As the summer progresses, more and more worker wasps will begin to hatch too. Wasps in the UK are most active during the warmer summer months.

While you may come across a lot of workers, it is only the female wasps they have a sting that they can use repeatedly. They will do this if they feel threatened.

Getting rid of a wasp problem can often be tricky. It is possible to use sprays to keep them away, but these don’t always work. The most effective way to treat a wasp invasion is to treat the wasp’s nest. This will help you control the wasp problem and reduce the risk of fatal stings too.

Wasps will often build their nests outdoors in spaces that are sheltered. This could be in trees, within sheltered eaves and similar locations. However, if a was can gain access to the inside of your home there are lots more places that they can build their nests. These include your wall cavities, roof spaces, attics, lofts and internal garages or sheds.

While the average worker wasp will live 12-22 days, a Queen wasp can live for up to 1 year. They are social creatures and will build their colonies off how well they mate. Unmated wasps will eventually die off and effectively die of loneliness. By reducing the number of wasps in or around your home, you reduce the number of wasps that can mate.

Have you noticed lots of wasps in or around your home?

Maybe you have spotted a wasp’s nest that you’re concerned about?

We would recommend you call in our expert wasp removal specialists to get rid of your wasp problem and deal with your wasp nest safely and effectively.