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JG Pest Control – How To Spot Bed Bugs In Your Hotel Room

People often think that bedbugs will only be found in cheap hotels and motels. However, this isn’t always the case. Hotels have people from all over the world, from all different walks of life staying in their homes. This can result in bedbugs travelling in suitcases from homes or other hotels to the hotel room you are staying in.

Regardless of the star rating of the hotel, we would recommend that you always check for bedbugs in your hotel room. This could you save you a lot of trouble of taking bedbugs back to your home and having to bring in our bedbug specialists to get them out of your home again.

How To Spot Bed Bugs In Your Hotel Room.

• Look at the mattress and the seams of chairs and cushions in the room. You may be able to see small insects the size of an apple pip. This is a bed bug. However, just because you can’t see any bed bugs here, doesn’t mean there aren’t any in the room.

• Check for stains on the mattress, cushions and chairs or sheets. These will be brown spots the size of a pencil tip. They’ll be in small clusters like a little ink stain. You may also see red and brown spots. These are signs of bedbugs, or dead bedbugs that have been in the hotel room.

• Bed bug eggs and eggshells aren’t that easy to spot. However, if you are looking for them, they will be easier to spot. They are only 1 millimetre in diameter and yellowish in colour. The colour of them will make them easy to spot against a white sheet or bedding for example.

If you spot any of these signs in your hotel room, you need to contact reception and leave your room. Take the time to carefully check your bags, belongings and clothing that went into the hotel room. Check that no bedbugs have climbed in your bags or clothes. The last thing you want to do is take them back into your own home.

Spotted any of these signs in your own home or bedroom?

Call our team now and we can book you a visit from the bedbug specialists at a time that suits you.