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JG Pest Control – Does Your Shop Need Pest Control?

Do you own a retail shop? Have you been wondering if your shop needs pest control services? If you run a smaller shop, it is understandable that you might be wary of spending money on a service you might not need. However, dependent on what you sell – your shop could be the perfect home for a number of pests.

In this blog post we explain why your shop probably needs a pest control service.

Firstly, think about what is in your shop. There will be a lot of things in your shop that are attractive to pests. Think about any food you sell or store. Do you have a dark back room or storage area? Perhaps your stock comes in boxes with packaging materials? Is your shop warm, dry and a shelter from the weather? Perhaps you sell clothing too?
These are all things that will be attractive to pests looking for their next home and place to breed.

Once you have one pest in your shop, it can quickly become a disaster. It’s likely that the stock in your shop is worth thousands of pounds, if not more. Imagine if you came into your shop one day and all the boxes had been ripped open by pests. Further to this, there were pest faeces everywhere which have caused damage to your stock? If that happens more than once, you’ll quickly find the costs will really add up.

It’s important to look out for moths if you do sell clothing or materials. These pests can easily lay their eggs on clothing. In the right conditions, these eggs will hatch into caterpillars. The caterpillars will then eat holes in your clothing and other materials. This is extremely common on materials that are in storage. This is because the moths, their eggs and the caterpillars can be left relatively undisturbed. It will be the same for blankets, furnishings, rugs and more.

If you own a shop, we recommend that you plan ahead for pest management. While your shop may not need pest control now, it is better to be safe than sorry. Our pest control specialists will visit your shop on a regular basis to see if you have a pest problem. If you don’t then you can sleep safe in the knowledge your shop is free of pests. If they do come across any pests, they can get rid of them for you.

One off pest control for shops doesn’t work. It needs to be something that is carried out on a periodic basis. This ensures that any pest issues are dealt with before they get too serious.
Want to know more about our retail pest control services?

Call our team now.