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…And don’t let the bed bugs bite!


Bed bugs are able to spread extremely quickly, and they reproduce at an astonishing rate. While it is difficult to prevent completely, there are a few measures you can take to reduce the chances of breeding a colony of parasites in your own home.

On the Go

When travelling, make it a habit to check beds for common signs of bed bugs. Suitcases should be stored in a cool area when not in use, such as a garage or a shed. Make sure to wash (at a high temperature) or treat your clothes and luggage before you travel and when you return from a trip.

In the Household

These small creatures will look for places to hide. Less clutter, therefore, means less chance of an infestation. Regular and thorough vacuuming is a key step in counteracting a bed bug friendly environment. Remember to empty the vacuum and dispose the waste outside your residence so you don’t just move the problem around your house.

Do I Have Bed Bugs?

Despite common belief, bed bugs are possible to spot with the naked eye. Once grown, they are around 4-5mm in size and red or brown in colour. They are more visible recently after they have fed as this makes them appear fatter, and darker in colour. Be thorough when checking for bed bugs; the parasites are good at hiding and can flatten themselves to appear almost paper thin.

Call JG Pest Control if you discover bed bugs. Our experienced team will advise you and inform you of your options. As one of the national leaders in bedbug treatment, we will take care of your problem as quickly and easily as possible.