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JG Pest – Avoid Taking Fleas Into Your New Home

One of the most common misconceptions surrounding fleas is that they are purely pet-based pests. However, this isn’t the case. Fleas can also live within your carpets. Flea eggs can lie dormant in your home and survive without a pet for months. In fact, one flea has the potential to lay around 2,000 eggs in its lifetime.

Therefore we highly recommend that you deal with a flea pest problem as soon as possible, before it becomes a serious flea infestation.

You may have had a friend come round that had a pet. Even if the pet didn’t come into your home, she or he may have carried the fleas or flea eggs from the pet into your home. Maybe a plumber or electrician has been to your home after they have been to a home that had fleas. Without even knowing they have bought fleas into your home.
You may have fleas in your home without even realising. This means that you could take fleas into your new home without realising.

Alternatively, there could be fleas within the carpet of the home that you are moving too. The people that lived their before may have had pets, or fleas got into their home the same way that fleas could have got into your home. As they moved out, they may have taken the fleas with them, but they may have left some behind too.

One obvious way of knowing you have fleas in your home is if you have flea bites on your body. Check out what a flea bite looks like in our other blog posts or on Google. If you have a flea bite and you’ve not been out of the house, it’s likely that the fleas are in your home.

It’s a good idea to thoroughly vacuum the carpets in your new home before you move in. Any furniture you’re taking with you needs to be properly cleaned too. This will help fleas get into your new home and remove the bed bugs from your new home too. Deep clean any rugs that you are taking from your old home to your new home too.

If you have pets avoid bringing their fleas into your new home by bathing them before the move. We would
recommend that you continue with regular flea treatments too. This means that if any fleas were missed in the bath, they can be killed with the flea treatment.

Are you moving to a new home where they had pets, or have you had a flea problem in your current home? Call our team now to book a professional flea treatment. This will ensure that the issue is completely eradicated, and you can live in your new home, Flea free.